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Be Aware of Phillips, Craig and Dean (PCD) – United Pentecostal International Church (UPCI), Oneness Theology

Christian music today is very popular and there are lots of different artists and groups to choose from.  However, it seems that most people who listen to the music they buy don’t know much about the musicians background and beliefs.  It is important to know what backgrounds and beliefs the musicians have because music does influence us, both mentally and spiritually. (If you can find out/ not all musicians let their listeners know their beliefs)

Years ago I heard that Randy Phillips, Shawn Craig, and Dan Dean known as “Phillips, Craig, and Dean” were of the Oneness Pentecostal beliefs.  This came as a big shock to me since I really enjoyed listening to their style of music.  Well, I was not very happy to hear this and over time started looking into this a bit more to find this out for myself and to know if this was true.  It saddens me that what I found out is true, they are of the Oneness Pentecostal beliefs.  This information will not bring you joy if you are a Phillips, Craig, and Dean fan as I used to be.  I hope you examine this for yourselves and make the right decision to not support them any longer until they openly and repent of the Oneness Pentecostal heresies.

What do Oneness Pentecostals (UPCI) Believe about God?

The United Pentecostal Church International rejects the doctrine of the Trinity.  They believe that God is three manifestations:  Father in creation; the Son in redemption; the Holy Spirit in regeneration.

the UPCI reflect most of the beliefs of the Holiness-Pentecostal movement, with the exception of the “second work of grace,” the historic doctrine of the Trinity, and the traditional Trinitarian formula in water baptism. It embraces the Pentecostal view that speaking in tongues is the initial sign of receiving the Holy Spirit.” (from

In distinction to the doctrine of the Trinity, the UPCI holds to a oneness view of God. It views the Trinitarian concept of God, that of God eternally existing as three distinctive persons, as inadequate and a departure from the consistent and emphatic biblical revelation of God being one…Thus God is manifested as Father in creation and as the Father of the Son, in the Son for our redemption, and as the Holy Spirit in our regeneration.” (from

What do Oneness Pentecostals (UPCI) Believe about Salvation?

The official teachings and doctrines of the UPCI for someone to be saved are:  A person must repent of their ways; turn to Christ; be water baptized in Jesus name only; speak in other tongues as the evidence being baptized in the Spirit; and live a holy life.

a sinner must believe the gospel; he is commanded to repent of his sinful life, to be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ, and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (from

It is true that water itself does not contain any saving virtue, but God has chosen to include it in His plan of salvation. Peter explained, “Baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (I Peter 3:21). According to Luke 7:30, “the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized.” (from

Millions have experienced this same baptism in the Spirit. Wherever this message is proclaimed, the question is asked, “Why did God choose speaking in tongues as the initial, physical evidence of the baptism of the Holy Ghost?”…One vital reason why God chose other tongues as the initial sign of receiving the Holy Ghost is that speaking in tongues is an immediate, external evidence.” (from

The initial, outward evidence is speaking with tongues, which means speaking miraculously in languages the speaker does not know…Speaking with other tongues has been connected with Spirit baptism since the beginning of the church age.” (from

Phillips, Craig, and Dean

As I said I went researching for this information for myself and went to their websites and sent some emails asking some questions as well.  I went to Randy Phillips Church website PromiseLand to examine what they state.  Randy Phillips is Associate Pastor of the PromiseLand Church.  Here is a few questions I asked the senior Pastor, Kenneth Phillips. (Randy’s father/ link from a Oneness site)

Question to Kenneth Phillips – “What denomination are you affiliated with, Baptist, Pentecostal?”​

Answer from Kenneth Phillips – “we are book of acts pentecostal.  we have learned you cannot improve on the original….kenneth phillips”

Questions to Kenneth Phillips on who God is and what a person must believe and do to be saved – “Do you believe that God is one and has been revealed as the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit in reconciliation? For a person to be saved do they have to be water baptized only in Jesus name, and have the evidence of speaking in tongues?”​

Answer from Kenneth Phillips – “THE ANSWER TO BOTH QUESTIONS IS YES!!!!!!!!!!”

(Email Date for Reply to my questions was June 28&30, 2004)

This information proves from the Randy Phillips side that they would be of the same theological doctrines as the Oneness Pentecostal movement.

Heartland Church in Irving, Texas, is of the Apostolic Churches listing, (Click Here to see)  and Dan Deanis the Pastor of Heartland Church.  What do the Apostolic Churches believe?  From the following Apostolic website it states the following:  “ – This is the official website of the UPC (United Pentecostal Church). Although a different organization, they hold to the same doctrinal beliefs and standards that we hold so dear. If you are travelling and looking for an Apostolic church then this is yet another great resource, since they have every UPC church in the world listed on their website with contact information.”  (from Apostolic Links page/this link no longer exists but the quote was accurate as posted on May 2, 2005)  Another Apostolic site called “Apostolic Information Services” states the following:  “The official home page of the UPCI. This site contains information about the organization’s ministries, history, administration, constituency, coming events and more. Also, see the official home pages of the following UPCI Divisions” (From AIS Links page)  What this demonstrates is that Dan Dean, affiliated with the Apostolic Churches, which in essence is of the same type of beliefs as the UPCI, is then of the same Oneness Pentecostal beliefs.  (This information concerning Dan Dean was found 2/23/05 and is current unless otherwise noted)

There is more information on the way from us and when we have it it will be posted.  If you have any questions or comments please let us know.  I have emailed each of them but they have yet to reply, but if they do and state something something otherwise concerning this information this is currently accurate.  It has been said that they have said they are not of the Oneness beliefs but there is nothing to indicate that from what the above evidence indicates concerning both Randy Phillips being involved in ministry with his dad who clearly has a Oneness view of God and the gospel, and Dan Dean’s Church being associated with the Apostolic Church which in doctrine is Oneness.

Update on Phillips, Craig, and Dean – May 2, 2005

The following information is going to be a bit long but it is going to clear up something’s and will raise some more questions.  I have been talking with people who are involved with Phillips, Craig, and Dean music ministry and have some interesting responses to questions asked.  You will need to take your time when reading this information because there are things that are some-what sneaky in wording which in essence brings light to this subject for all to see.

Email to PCD Ministries Official Site (Sent March 16, 2005) Click Here For Site

The following is what I sent asking some important questions wanting to clear up any misunderstandings and I will given some information, but not real replies.  Below when you see words in blue they were not originally there but were added for clarification.  Any questions on that let us know.

Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 6:45 PM
Subject: IMPORTANT questions needs answers

Hi there.  My name is Kelly Powers, director of “Apologetic For Christians Ministry”.  I have sent emails to Randy Phillips, Shawn Craig, and Dan Dean asking some questions concerning their views on the Trinity doctrine.  I have sent at least two emails over the last year to each of them and have not received any replies.  I hear that they were at one time of the UPCI or Oneness beliefs but then have changed.  I got a reply a while back from Kenneth Phillips (Randy’s father, senior pastor where Randy also serves as a pastor) and his replies and views were of the oneness views.  I found Dan Dean Church site listed in the Apostolic section for Churches, and Apostolic Churches are of the Oneness beliefs just as the UPCI.  I have went to each of their (Randy Phillips, Shawn Craig, and Dan Dean) Church websites and there is “very limited” information there on their views.  I would think that this controversy issue which can divide people is very important and there should be something made official from the three of them if they are no longer of the Oneness views when it comes to theology on God, Trinity, Salvation.  This should be made clear and known for people so there is no confusion.  I am sending this again because someone sent us an email saying they sent an email to you and got a reply.  I would like to have a reply to the following questions so there is no confusion.  If I receive no reply I will assume that what I have found is very correct and will continue to share what I have found out.  If I find out what I have researched is wrong I will immediately change my information so others will know the truth. (either way) 

My questions are as follows:

Phillips, Craig, and Dean – do you accept the doctrine of the Trinity and believe that there is one God revealed through three eternal distinct personages known as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Or do you accept there being one God who has been revealed through three different manifestations as the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit in reconciliation.

Phillips, Craig, and Dean – do you believe that we are saved by faith in Christ apart from being water baptized in Jesus name only, and that we do not need to speak in tongues as the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Or do you believe that a person must not only believe in Jesus but be water baptized in Jesus name only and speak in tongues having the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit

These two questions I would like answered clearly for me to know what is true and not true on these doctrines from what you believe.  I  await your reply.  Thanks so much. 

Kelly Powers

This is the email I sent to official website of Phillips, Craig, and Dean hoping to get some clarification on issues that are of the up-most importance for Christians to know the truth about.  The first response I got was just a very generic reply with information that did not answer what I asked about, though I was happy to at least get a reply.

First Email Response from PCD Ministries​


To: Kelly Powers

Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:54 PM

Subject: RE: IMPORTANT questions needs answers


Thank you for writing.  I have attached a personal letter from Phillips Craig and Dean’s manager, as well as their Statement of Faith. 
With Regards, Andrea Eby, PCD Ministries

Below will be the two documents that were sent for you to see for yourself.  I do caution people when reading it do not be fooled, it is not as good as it appears, which you will see addressed later.

Statement of Faith

Dear Friend:

Thank you for sharing your concerns. We understand the importance of knowing that the artists you listen to not only sing the truth but speak and believe the Truth. Please allow us to clear up any confusion regarding the belief system of PCD regarding the doctrine of the Godhead, which is often referred to as the Trinity.

In the church body, controversy often exists in matters of doctrine. However, we the members of Phillips, Craig & Dean do believe in the existence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – the Three in One.

We also have chosen to agree and affirm the following statements of faith, which we agreed upon when we first began with Star Song in 1992. It is the Apostles’ Creed, which believers have declared and stood upon for centuries.

The Apostles’ Creed

(This creed is called the Apostles’ Creed not because it was produced by the apostles themselves but because it contains a brief summary of their teachings. It sets forth their doctrine “in sublime simplicity, in unsurpassable brevity, in beautiful order, and with liturgical solemnity.” In its present form it is dated no later than the fourth century. More than any other Christian creed, it may justly be called an ecumenical symbol of faith. This translation of the Latin text was approved by the CRC Synod of 1988.)

I believe in God, the Father, almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit

And born of the virgin Mary,

He suffered under Pontius Pilate,

We crucified, dead and was buried;

He descended to hell.

The third day he rose again from the dead.

He ascended to heaven

And is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.

From there he will come to judge the living and the dead

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

The holy catholic* church

The communions of saints

The forgiveness of sins,

The resurrection of the body,

And the life everlasting. Amen.

*catholic (small cap “c”) here refers to “of or pertaining to the whole Christian body or church.”

Please take a deep look into the lyrics of Phillips, Craig & Dean songs to find each song is based on scripture. We hold fast to the Holy Bible, and our music ministry and personal walks are grounded in these truths.

If you have any hesitations, please feel free to contact Van Alan at (the phone number was given but I did not want to put this online for all people for courtesy of Van Alan.  I also did not put his email for courtesy.  If you wish to get in contact with him then contact the email  In the above information there is nothing stated concerning the Trinity or concerning my questions on Oneness Pentecostalism.  It is something that is true but the above information is not related to what was asked and you will see this continued in responses.

For the cause of Christ,

Randy Phillips, Shawn Craig, and Dan Dean

The above is flat out inaccurate information.  According to what I have found through their websites online each of the them (Phillips, Craig, and Dean) have been involved with their current churches for the past 17 years or more.  Let me demonstrate this clearly for you to see.

According to PromiseLand Church website Randy Phillips has been there for the last 17 years, the same Church founded and established by his dad Kenneth Phillips.  Kenneth Phillips is the senior Pastor there for the last 35 years according to their website link, and he is the one I emailed last year asking questions on who God is and what must a person do to be saved.  Here is what Kenneth Phillips said:

Question to Kenneth Phillips – “What denomination are you affiliated with, Baptist, Pentecostal?”

Answer from Kenneth Phillips – “we are book of acts pentecostal.  we have learned you cannot improve on the original….kenneth phillips”

Questions to Kenneth Phillips on who God is and what a person must believe and do to be saved – “Do you believe that God is one and has been revealed as the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit in reconciliation? For a person to be saved do they have to be water baptized only in Jesus name, and have the evidence of speaking in tongues?”

Answer from Kenneth Phillips – “THE ANSWER TO BOTH QUESTIONS IS YES!!!!!!!!!!”

(Email Date for Reply to my questions was June 28&30, 2004)

From PromiseLand Church Staff Link – “The Senior Pastor Kenneth and Wanda Phillips are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have pastored The World of Pentecost, PromiseLand for 35 years. During this time, because of blessings and the efforts of many, phenomenal growth has included over 18,000 people being baptized in Jesus’ Name.

From PromiseLand Church What We Believe – “We believe in one God who is eternal in His existence, Triune in His manifestation, being both Father, Son and Holy Ghost AND that He is Sovereign and Absolute in His authority. (I Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 4:4 & Colossians 2:9)”…”We believe that believers should be water baptized by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the circumcision of our hearts. It is through baptism that we publicly identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:11-14; Acts 2:38)

As the above shows it is clear that Kenneth Phillips is of the same theological doctrines as the UPCI.  Randy Phillips is his son and has been with that same Church for the last 17 years (at least) as stated from their church website link.  If Randy Phillips left the UPCI as was stated why is he still serving there?  If Randy Phillips is not of the Oneness doctrines (UPCI) why can he openly state this for the public?  It is obvious that Randy Phillips is not being honest with the public and must not have any problems with his dad being a Oneness Pentecostal preacher, therefore it proves what was said about him leaving the UPCI 10 years ago is simply not true.

Dan Dean is Pastor of Heartland Church sine 1999 and has been involved with that Church since 1985.  Along with Heartland Church being listed in the Apostolic listing in Texas for Churches they are also listed in the Pentecostal listings which has lots of UPCI Churches listed.  As I have been pointing out if Dan Dean is no longer associated with the UPCI then prove it.  The Apostolic movement is many ways theological similar as the UPCI.  Why is Heartland Church listed in the Texas yellowpages online in the Apostolic section and in the Pentecostal section which has many UPCI Churches listed if he was no longer wanting to be associated or connected with them?  It does not make much sense.  Along with that there is more information concerning Dan Dean that gives more red flags with not being openly honest with the public concerning these issues.  Consider the following information:

From Heartland Church About Us Our Pastor – “Pastor Dan and Becky Dean have been the Senior Pastors at Heartland Church in Irving, Texas since September 1999, but there involvement in church ministry began many years ago. Shortly after being married in 1976, they served in ministry in Richardson, Texas; Lancaster, Ohio, and Houston, Texas. In 1985 they moved to Irving, Texas to serve at Heartland Church, which was then pastored by Bishop Jack and Doris DeHart, Becky’s parents.  Pastor Dan served as Music Director and Associate Pastor under his father-in-law for 14 years, until Bishop DeHart, seeing that God was elevating both of their calls, passed the pastor’s torch to Dan and Becky in late 1999.” 

From Heartland Church What We Believe – “We believe in the true one God who is revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (John 14:18-27; II Corinthians 13:14)…We believe in the necessity of water baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord. (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; 10:47,48; Acts 8:38-39)…We believe that it is the will of God that each believer be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak with new tongues. (Acts 1:8, 19:1-6)

From Impact Ministries Statement of Faith Bishop Jack DeHart (Father of Becky Dean/ Becky is the wife of Dan Dean) – “there is One True God that has manifested Himself as Father in creation, Son in redemption and the Holy Spirit in emanation. (Deuteronomy 6:4; I Timothy 3:16; Acts 2:33)…that the infilling of the Holy Spirit is a promise to be received by all believers. (Acts 1:4-5k 2:39)…that all should be buried with Christ in baptism. (Romans 6:3-5; Acts 2:38)

From Impact Ministries Main Page – “The Lord Jesus is bringing together a true APOSTOLIC HOUSEthat will impact and impart the greatest revival the church has ever known.

According to Impact Ministries Products page – They have resources listed there for people to get and there is a email link to heartland church.  At Heartland Church Staff link Bishop Jack Dehart is listed there with a link to contact him, along with Doris Dehart.

The above information is what Heartland Church believes, involvement with Bishop Jack and Doris Dehart, what what Impact Ministries believes.  Why this is important?   This is to simply show that Bishop Jack Dehart still very much connected to Heartland Church, thus showing Dan Dean is still associated with oneness stuff.  Looking at the “What We Believe” quotes from both Heartland Church and Impact Ministries it is clear they have beliefs that are of Oneness doctrines and even use the identical wording.  All one has to do is check what the UPCI believes and it is clear.  The above information demonstrates that even though Dan Dean (Phillips, Craig, and Dean) claim to not be associated with the UPCI and their doctrines any longer is simply not true.

Shawn Craig is not as obvious as Randy Phillips and Dan Dean on these issues, but he is in ministry with them, thus shows something.  “Shawn currently serves as the Music Pastor at South County Christian Center, where he has ministered for the past twenty years” (now Crosspoint Church) As stated above each of them were raised in the UPCI and least somewhere in the area of 10 years ago, that is what is said.  But the information is proving otherwise.  Shawn has been in this Church for the past 20 years.  There is not much more information about Shawn at this time.

***Doctrinal Letter From Van Alan, Music Manager of Phillips, Craig, and Dean***

Dear Kelly,

Thank you for your time in genuinely investigating the doctrinal issues surrounding Phillips Craig & Dean. (This part of what was sent was real, the rest below was just something copied and pasted from what they had already for people asking questions.  The reason I know this is because I read this before somewhere else before this was sent to me.  Kind of sad when they don’t give real answers).

PCD as a group does not publicly discuss doctrine in any way beyond that which is stated in the Apostle’s Creed. They have a ministry of sharing Christ and Him crucified in churches of many diverse doctrines across America (e.g. Assembly of God, Baptist, Methodist, etc). They leave specific teachings of doctrines to the local church and its pastors.

Unfortunately there were articles written many years ago that aggressively labeled PCD as being anti-Trinitarian believers. Because PCD desires to continue having a multi-denominational ministry, they do not have the luxury of publicly discussing their personal doctrinal beliefs without offending someone and ultimately causing division; that is not their calling.

They don’t have the luxury?  That is a sad cop-out response.  The Gospel divides folks plain and simple.  If they truly were following what the Word teaches they would not be so worried about offending people for the cause of truth.  As to “that is not their calling” statement, excuse me?  Each of them are Pastors, they have a leading to people, they sing many songs to which many Christians listen to, and they are accountable to be truthful to the public.

As a point of fact, all three members were born into families deep in the United Pentecostal Church movement. All three work in churches that were previously UPC. However, at least 10 years ago, each of them left the UPC and have been on their own personal spiritual journeys from there.

“What I can say is that because of the intense public scrutiny many years back, they have allowed me to share one specific point, and they will not say anything beyond this because of their close family relationships with people who remain a member of their past UPC denomination and doctrinal history. Neither the group nor the individual members of Phillips Craig & Dean believe in a modalist approach to the Trinity.”

That appears to be good but as been shown concerning Randy Phillips association with his dad Kenneth Phillips and what is stated at their “What We Believe” section this is simply not true.  As to Dan Dean, again, this is not true.  He has very similar statements at Heartland Church site which are similar to Bishop Jack Dehart who clearly has oneness theology and terms.  As to Shawn Craig, as stated before, there is not much information about him but he is involved with Randy and Dan who do have oneness associations and terms for beliefs.

Thankfully every major Christian ministry that has addressed this issue with us directly has come out in support of PCD based on the facts and personal discussions with the guys.”

It’s to sad that those “major Christian ministry” people have not really investigated this a bit more.  Unfortunately many Christians are un-aware of this and are being lead to believe Phillips, Craig, and Dean are ok to listen to.  As I stated from the first portion of this information I used to love listening to this group, they do have great voices and harmony, there is no doubt of that.  What concerns me is the lack of honestly in all of this, as will be seen below with some email dialogues that I had with the manager of this group.  All I can say is I wish people would just be open and honest, but unfortunately this is not going to happen with this group. (maybe one day they will)

If you were to attend their concert, you would find they address the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the present tense at different moments throughout the event. They believe that when Jesus was on earth, God the Father was absolutely reigning as scripture notes in Heaven. When Jesus prayed in the garden, He was speaking to His Father. This is definitely not consistent with a modalist belief, but it is consistent with the beliefs of the individual members of PCD.

Again, sounds good on the surface.  When oneness believers speak of the Father in heaven and Jesus being on earth, they talk about Jesus the man who spoke to God the Father who is Spirit.  They say Jesus was in the flesh but was God as well in authority, it gets complicated let me tell you.  Oneness views on Jesus praying to the Father again is simply that Jesus the man was speaking to the Father who is Spirit.  Ask a Oneness person their thoughts on that and you will scratch your head saying, “can you say that again, I am confused?”  As stated already, Phillips, Craig, and Dean have evidence showing they still have some Oneness beliefs and they definitely have Oneness associations in ministry, to that there is no doubt.

While this has become somewhat of a difficult issue, I fully respect the bottom-line argument. I trust this will speak to the heart of the issue and resolve any concerns that may have been raised. Thank you for personally addressing this with us. Let me know if you have any further questions.


Van Alan
Manager – PCD

Well this did not solve the difficult issue and raises more concerns.  I did start the process of contacting Van Alan, manager of PCD.  Below will be our dialogues which were interesting.  Read them carefully!

I replied to Andrea stating the following.  The above two documents were not real responses but forwarded information that was done previously and they did not address the questions I had asked, at least not in detail.  These were sent to me by Andrea from PCD Ministries and I have nothing bad to say about her, she could only send what she was given, and I thank her for her kindness.  Next will be my response to what was sent to me.

My Response to Andrea concerning what was sent to me concerning the two documents

From: Kelly Powers
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:31 PM
To: Info
Subject: Hello there

Hi Andrea.  The attachments that you sent were things I have already read, one from online and another that was sent to me by email from someone else.  The problem that I am having right now is what I have shared before concerning Kenneth Phillips being of oneness views and Randy Phillips serving in the same Church.  And Dan Dean Church is considered an Apostolic Church according to the directory for them in Texas, and Apostolic is essentially the same as oneness.  If as one of those attachments states is true, that each of the three have left the upci beliefs how come Randy is serving in a Church where his dad is senior pastor and has those views?  How come Dan Dean’s Church is considered Apostolic if he has left the oneness beliefs?  These questions are not answered in what was sent to me and I have emailed each of the three repeatedly for some answers.  I come to the conclusion that they still have some beliefs that are oneness because if they truly were not then they would not be involved with Churches that essentially are, they would distance themselves so people would know.  I sent this email back to you yesterday and go no reply and I will guess if I don’t get a reply to this that I am correct on what I am seeing.  I wish I was not but it seems that this is the truth concerning Phillips, Craig, and Dean.  I wish they would have the guts to stand for truth so others would know even if it causes a stir within their families.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ divides people, Jesus taught that, and who are we going to put first?  God or people?  I choose God.  I would like it very much if you would send each of them (Phillips, Craig, and Dean) my emails to you so they would read them and maybe reply, but I doubt it.  Thanks again, I do hope to hear from you but I doubt I will.


Second Response from Andrea


To: Kelly Powers

Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:33 PM

Subject: RE: Hello there


After receiving your second email, I forwarded your questions to Van Alan, the manager for PCD.  His phone number was on the bottom of the letter you received with the invitation to contact him if you had additional questions.  I asked him to be in contact with you because this is part of his role as manager.  I did not contact you directly because I do not have authority to speak into this situation and did not want to frustrate you further.

I understand your concern and would ask you to contact Van for any additional dialogue about this issue.  His email is … and his office phone is … (Again, I took out the phone number & email for courtesy for Van Alan)

Andrea Eby, PCD Ministries

After receiving the above email from Andrea, I sent an email to Van Alan asking the same questions again to him and I asked some questions concerning the two documents sent to me concerning Phillips, Craig, and Dean, and the emails between Andrea and myself.

First Email to Van Alan, Music Manager of Phillips, Craig, and Dean

From:  Kelly Powers

To:  Van Alan

Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 10:49 AM

Subject: Hello from Kelly Powers

Hello Van Alan.  I am writing to you because Andrea Eby pointed me to you with my questions concerning Phillips, Craig, and Dean.  I have read the Doctrine Letter and Statement of Faith attachments but I am still concerned about a few things as you will read below.  I am curious as to why Randy serves in a Church as a Pastor with his dad who has oneness views on God and salvation?  I sent a few emails last year to Kenneth Phillips and he responded to my questions with oneness answers, identical with the UPCI.  Here is the email dialogue that I had with Kenneth last year:

Question to Kenneth Phillips – “What denomination are you affiliated with, Baptist, Pentecostal?”

Answer from Kenneth Phillips – “we are book of acts pentecostal.  we have learned you cannot improve on the original….kenneth phillips”

Questions to Kenneth Phillips on who God is and what a person must believe and do to be saved – “Do you believe that God is one and has been revealed as the Father increation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit in reconciliation? For a person to be saved do they have to be water baptized only in Jesus name, and have the evidence of speaking in tongues?”

Answer from Kenneth Phillips – “THE ANSWER TO BOTH QUESTIONS IS YES!!!!!!!!!!”

(Email Date for Reply to my questions was June 27-30 2004)

Why is the Heartland Church (Dan Dean) considered Apostolic or in the Apostolic section for Churches in the Texas directory?  I received one email from Craig Ferris, I believe he is the guy who is in Charge of Dan Dean’s Church website and I sent him two emails asking him why it was in the Apostolic directory but no reply still. (as of 3/18/05) This is the one they just had before with but I guess they have changed names and website address but there old one is still online and it is in the Apostolic section.

Here is the link for that

The link above has changed for their site and in the directory, though it is still in the Apostolic listing.  Here is that link listing for Heartland Church (

Heartland Church is now listed as  Click Here

If each of the three has turned from their old ways and now are no longer associated or involved with oneness then how come it seems two of them still are?

When reading the Doctrine Letter it states the following:  “PCD as a group does not publicly discuss doctrine in any way beyond that which is stated in the Apostle’s Creed. They have a ministry of sharing Christ and Him crucified in churches of many diverse doctrines across America (e.g. Assembly of God, Baptist, Methodist, etc). They leave specific teachings of doctrines to the local church and its pastors.”   I just don’t see that being Biblically accountable and reasonable for the body of Christ.  Each of them are Pastors in various areas, they serve people, they write songs and many people listen to them around the world, they are accountable for what they believe.  They need to publicly denounce the oneness views so that there is no confusion period.  The Apostle’s Creed is nice and when it was first put forth many years ago it had much more significance but today many people say those same things but have bad theology and even by Biblical examination another Jesus and another Gospel.   (Galatians 1, 2 Corinthians 11:4 & 13-15)

In the Doctrine Letter it said the following:  “Unfortunately there were articles written many years ago that aggressively labeled PCD as being anti-Trinitarian believers. Because PCD desires to continue having a multi-denominational ministry, they do not have the luxury of publicly discussing their personal doctrinal beliefs without offending someone and ultimately causing division; that is not their calling.”  They have not the luxury of publicly discussing their personal doctrinal beliefs without offending someone?  I am sorry that is not Biblical reasoning, the Gospel offends, Jesus made that clear. Quote:  “34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.   35 “For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW;   36 and A MAN’S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.   37 “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matthew 10:34-37 NASB)  It is not a calling to make it clear to people what you believe, it is the Christian duty to be honest and put the ways of God first, calling has nothing to do with being open to people.

The Doctrine Letter says:  “What I can say is that because of the intense public scrutiny many years back, they have allowed me to share one specific point, and they will not say anything beyond this because of their close family relationships with people who remain a member of their past UPC denomination and doctrinal history. “Neither the group nor the individual members of Phillips Craig & Dean believe in a modalist approach to the Trinity.””  If they don’t believe that way anymore then praise God for that.  However, how come Randy Phillips serves in a Church where the senior Pastor, his dad Kenneth Phillips still holds to the oneness views of God and salvation?  How come Dan Dean Church is listed in the Apostolic (Apostolic Churches are essentially the same as the UPCI in doctrine when it comes to God and salvation) section for directory in Texas?

The Doctrine Letter says:  “If you were to attend their concert, you would find they address the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the present tense at different moments throughout the event. They believe that when Jesus was on earth, God the Father was absolutely reigning as scripture notes in Heaven. When Jesus prayed in the garden, He was speaking to His Father. This is definitely not consistent with a modalist belief, but it is consistent with the beliefs of the individual members of PCD.   While this has become somewhat of a difficult issue, I fully respect the bottom-line argument. I trust this will speak to the heart of the issue and resolve any concerns that may have been raised. Thank you for personally addressing this with us. Let me know if you have any further questions.”  Again, if what you say is correct they need to make this public for people despite the fact of not wanting to offend anyone.  As I said before so I say again, the Gospel offends people.  I have asked questions about Randy Phillips and Dan Dean both having involvement with oneness stuff and I hope as it states above that I can get a response of why.  I have sent each of them (Phillips, Craig, Dean) repeatedly emails asking them questions but I have yet to get a response from them.  I have no personal agenda to ruin Phillips, Craig, and Dean, I enjoyed listening to them a while back.  But if they are playing the fence with doctrines and truth then I cannot support them nor endorse them.

First Response From Van Alan From The Above Email

From: Van Alan

To: Kelly Powers


Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 2:33 PM

Subject: PCD & The Trinity

Kelly –

I am impressed with your attention to detail.  It has been a while since I have read such a letter in any form!

As you noted below from one of my earlier letters, PCD allowed me to publicly state their position on The Trinity.  While they have fully stepped away from any form of modalism from their past, they do not feel it is appropriate to publicly condemn those who haven’t.  Personally…I believe that when Jesus spoke of breaking ties with family, it was more about whether or not they chose to follow Christ.

(This is not accurate.  They have not broken off or stepped fully away from any form of modalism/ another term for Oneness theology)

I forwarded your email to the guys, and questioned them about affiliations once again.  Dan Dean’s church is independent & does not claim to be part of any formal group of churches (Apostolic or any other); they changed the name of the church some time ago & many things have progressed from there.  While Randy has started a new church in a new location, he will never speak publicly regarding this issue beyond what he personally believes (which is stated in the letter you noted below).

As stated above concerning Dan Dean I have found more information concerning this thus showing it be more involvement with Oneness stuff.  As to Randy, he is still at the PromiseLand Church website being stated as a Pastor there.  I don’t see anything showing he has left to start a new Church.  But even if he did he still have been involved with PromiseLand for many years now and his dad is clearly of the Oneness beliefs.

It is my conviction that while some like yourself clearly have a call to bring about change by addressing issues head-on…others have a similar call to impact people through enduring patience and love through a consistent showing of personal support as they strive to seek God and know Him more.

It is true that we are to be patient, loving, showing personal support to people, but we still tell them the truth so they don’t die not knowing the true God of the Bible.  I hate saying this but this is the way I read the above statement.  It is a nice feel good statement which in the end is giving a mis-leading impression on what true Christianity is.

I hope this helps.



My Response (2nd Email) To Van Alan First Email To Me

From:  Kelly Powers

To:  Van Alan

Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:30 PM

Subject: Re: PCD & The Trinity

Greetings Van:

Good to  hear from you and thanks for the nice remarks in regards to my detail and convictions.  A couple things to say in response.  Glad to hear that you have sent what I have shared to each of them, I truly hope for a reply.  Myself, I want badly to be able to tell others to have no worries about them in regards to Oneness doctrines and affiliations.  I believe as we follow the teachings of the Word we need to be clear who what we believe and be open with that with others, even if it costs us.   I understand the hardness those who have loved ones in false groups as I deal with lots of Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is not a fun adventure at times, but in the end it is rewarding.  I do wish for a bit further clarification on two main issues I have addressed.  One, is Randy Phillips still serving with his dad at PromiseLand Church?  According to the PromiseLand Church website it seems to indicate he is.  Reason I ask is that would indicate he is (and was recently) serving with his dad who does have Oneness theology.  Two, I know you responded about Dan Dean’s Church not having being a part of any formal group but that must of changed not to long of ago since there old site ( was listed in the Apostolic Churches directory online for Texas.  If that is not the case anymore then that is great to hear, but for some reason the old link is still online for his Church.  I guess that would need to be addressed and changed so those like myself will not assume they are affiliated with the Apostolic Churches.  On these two questions can you share with me a bit more on Randy starting a new Church and Dan Dean old link website still being online in the Apostolic section.  This would indicate to me that they were both involved not to long ago with issues that I have brought up and would seem to indicate they are now not.  Please help me out a bit more on this.  I appreciate your reply, it does give some light on this and I hope you understand where I am coming from in all of this.  I get emails and questions from people through our ministry concerning many things, and this has been one of them.  Thanks.

Kelly Powers

Second Email Response From Van Alan

From:  Van Alan

To: Kelly Powers


Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:37 AM

Subject: Re: PCD & The Trinity

Kelly –

As I shared, Randy, Dan & Shawn have said what they believe regarding the Holy Trinity.  They feel their recent statements have answered the issue, and do not intend to have any deeper discussion regarding this or other doctrine beyond that which is addressed in their music.

Well let it be noted that I have tried emailing each of them from their Church websites, still not a single reply, and really don’t expect one now.  The above statement shows their lack of true honestly for the truth of God’s Word.  They have not answered the issues but have made it hard for people to know what they believe because they are not open about this publicly.  They don’t intend to have any deeper discussions regarding this because it would clearly show they are not being honest.  Unfortunately this shows they are being evasive to the public.  If they truly are not of the Oneness views they need to leave their associations to whom they are involved with, publicly repent, state this clearly, and be honest.  Who are we to please?  God or man?

Again, while your calling is obviously very legitimate…they feel theirs is to walk alongside those from their past & not to publicly condemn them.  They see the Lord reveal Himself through love and patience far more effectively than by any fear or condemnation they could deliver.  For them…this is an issue of doctrine which is not intended to divide the body.

“For them…this is an issue of doctrine which is not intended to divide the body.”???  Wow!  This truly is the dividing line folks.  The truth of the Tri-Unity of God is a dividing line, you just can’t get around that.  The above statement shows the lack of truth concerning Phillips, Craig, and Dean, and their manager.  Those of us who reject the Oneness beliefs are not saying to go out and be a judge condemning them to hell, but we are to make it clear that this is a salvation issue.  If we truly love people will we not share the truth with them?  If a person does not know the God of the Bible truly and has a different gospel message, they are not saved, no matter how nice they are.  We need to wake up from this wishy washy thinking and get Biblically thinking.

In speaking with Dan, he shared with me that while all Apostolic churches do not hold to the same doctrine, his church is fully independent not teaching a modalist doctrine.

If this is true then Dan Dean needs to change his wording in his “What We Believe” section, stop associating in ministry with Bishop Jack Dehart who clearly has Oneness theology, and make this public.  It is true that not all Apostolic Churches hold to the same doctrine.  However, majority of them do hold to the same views on God as the UPCI.  If Dan Dean wants to be clear then he should take his church out of the listing of being associated with Apostolic and Pentecostal Churches that has been pointed out above.  Just be listed as Independent or Non-denominational, make it simple!

I hope this has helped speak to the heart of this matter, and ask that you respect their wishes to not further engage them in discussion or debate on this as it has become a very personal matter.

Thanks for your consideration.


Van Alan

I respect their wishes.  It is clear they are not being truthful to the public about their beliefs and they are being evasive.  They are in our prayers and we would encourage you who read this to pray for them, their families, friends, that they truly break off from this stuff.

  • (The information above is what is known currently as of May 2, 2005.  If you have any questions please contact.  If we find new information, changes, etc. we will post it.  God bless you.)

  • New information as of September 22, 2005!!!

This information is being posted 9/22/05 but I found this out about a month ago.  I was doing some checking on links to see if anything new was at the PromiseLand Church and there was something different from before.  Randy Phillips was no longer posted at their site as being an associate Pastor there.  That got me curious.  The reason I as curious was because nothing was posted (as of 8/21/05 and has not been posted still) of Randy leaving.  I somehow found Randy’s new Church site where he is the senior Pastor of Promiseland West and did not see anything there posted when this took place.  However this I found in their about us section:  “Randy Phillips of Phillips, Craig, and Dean, along with his wife Denise and daughters Garland (17) and Lily Pearl (2) have served at PromiseLand Central in Austin for 20 years. Recently, their desire to start a new church in West/Southwest Austin has become a reality.”  Well wanting to make sure if there was anything new concerning Randy’s position and beliefs I went looking for a Doctrinal Statement or Statement of Faith, but found nothing, nada!  This is something that I believe all Church websites and ministries show have so people can know what they believe.  Since I did not see anything I decided to email and see if I would get a response.  Below will be my email followed by Randy’s responses.  This was very shocking.

From: Kelly Powers
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:14 PM
Subject: question on promiseland church

Hello there.  I found your site and was curious if promiseland church west is of the same affiliation and beliefs that promiseland church with Kenneth Phillips.

I am assuming so but did not see anything on beliefs, statement of faith, or links to other ministries.\

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.


To: Kelly Powers

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 9:57 AM

Subject: RE: question on promiseland church

Thanks for your inquiry.  We begin our new member’s class this Sunday at 9AM and would love for you to be there to ask any question you want.


From: Kelly Powers
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: question on promiseland church

Hi there Randy.  I dont live in your area.  I do like to listen and check things out online at times.  So with what I asked are you the same type of Church as PromiseLand Central and beliefs?  Thanks.


To: Kelly Powers

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:35 AM

Subject: RE: question on promiseland church

Kelly and Theresa,

We’re a Bible church and that’s probably all the info you’ll need since your membership won’t be with us.


From:  Kelly Powers


Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:18 PM

Subject: Re: question on promiseland church

Hello Randy.  I do thank you for replying but I dont see the relevence of not being a member at your Church on what I asked.  I dont think I was being un-polite or anything like that.  I am going to assume you are the same as PromiseLand Central Church.  Do only those who go to your Church get to know what beliefs you have or affliations?  Thanks.


To: ‘Kelly & Theresa Powers’

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 6:09 AM

Subject: Read: question on promiseland church

Your message

Subject:  Re: question on promiseland church
Sent:  08/23/2005 6:18 PM

was read on 08/24/2005 6:08 AM.

This is very disturbing information because Randy Phillips does not care about others who want to know about their beliefs unless they are members of his church?  My last email he did not reply to but I did get a “Read Receipt” meaning he did read it.  Words are hard to express the frustration of people who are not being open and honest.  I decided to email Kenneth Phillips to try to find out more but that was just as bad.  Below are the email exchanges.

From: Kelly Powers


Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:30 PM

Subject: Hello

Hello there I am just wanting to know about PromiseLand Church West.  Did that Church start recently this year and would they have the same type of beliefs as your Church.  Thank you very much.


To: Kelly Powers

Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 10:21 AM

Subject: Re: Hello

this church is an extention of our church.  randy philiips. my son is
the pastor and they are averaging over 400 in 6 months.  go see them and
if you are not satisfied, come to see us…..kenneth phillips

From: Kelly Powers


Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 6:52 PM

Subject: Re: Hello

Thank you so much for replying.  Are they the same in beliefs are your
fellowship since they are an extension of your Church?  Thank you for your


To: Kelly Powers

Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:05 AM

Subject: Re: Hello

kelly, their website is

Not trying to insult but I can see where Randy gets his type of responses.  I asked clear questions to both Randy and Kenneth concerning their beliefs and both of them gave the run-around.  Now someone may say something like, “Randy did not say he had the same beliefs as PromiseLand Central Church”, or “Kenneth Phillips did not say his son had the same beliefs as he did”, but the facts are clear.  Kenneth Phillips did say that “PromsiseLand West” was an extension of their church which would give reasonable evidence that they would be of the same beliefs.  Randy just recently started a new church but previous to that he was with his dad for 20 years according to the PromiseLand West “About Us” section. (above quoted)  As noted before there was nothing posted at PromiseLand Central Church concerning Randy leaving.  PromiseLand Central Church website had Randy posted as a Pastor previously, at least up to May 2, 2005 but they took that information off not to long ago. (not sure when but it was after May 2, 2005)  What is the point of this information?  I have shared this because this is new stuff for people to know.  I don’t know of anything new concerning Dan Dean or Shawn Craig, as of yet anyways.  There is nothing that I know of that these guys have changed in their doctrinal beliefs, and I have personally given them opportunities to share.  As it stands they are still associated with Oneness churches and use Oneness terms themselves, and they have not made any type of effort to tell the public where they stand concerning the Trinity vs. Oneness beliefs.  Our hearts are not to tear them down but we pray something will spark one day for them to state publicly what they believe, and we pray that they will denounce Oneness beliefs.  If you have comments, questions, or information you wish to share concerning this please contact us

Now these people were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.

Acts 17:11 NASB

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