A Christian Discipleship, Apologetics and Evangelism Ministry

Oneness Pentecostals / Modalism
What Do Oneness Pentecostals Believe? Official Doctrines and Teachings Of The UPCI, United Pentecostal Church International
Many people do not know who Oneness Pentecostals are or what they believe. Oneness Pentecostals are of the United Pentecostal Church International, and they have many unbiblical doctrines and teachings contrary to the Christian faith.
Examining Christianity Today’s Magazine Article about T. D. Jakes (2000)
In Christianity Today’s Magazine Feb. 21, 2000 issue they have a response from T. D. Jakes on his theological views on God. The following will be a point by point response to what T. D. Jakes states concerning his beliefs and giving a Biblical refutation.
Examining Bishop T.D. Jakes Beliefs and Teachings: What does T. D. Jakes believe about the Trinity Doctrine? What does T. D. Jakes teach about the Trinity Doctrine?
Bishop Thomas D. Jakes is a very popular preacher and writer. The purpose of this examination is to provide information concerning T. D. Jakes beliefs & teachings on the Trinity doctrine, his affiliation with the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI, Oneness Pentecostals) and Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies, and other issues of concern.
Be Aware of Phillips, Craig and Dean (PCD) – United Pentecostal International Church (UPCI), Oneness Theology
Christian music today is very popular and there are lots of different artists and groups to choose from. However, it seems that most people who listen to the music they buy don’t know much about the musicians background and beliefs. It is important to know what backgrounds and beliefs the musicians have because music does influence us, both mentally and spiritually.