A Christian Discipleship, Apologetics and Evangelism Ministry
Faith Movement

Benny Hinn’s False Teachings and False Gospel Message
Benny Hinn is known for his TV appearances and crusades around the world. Is Benny Hinn a true teacher? Is Benny Hinn a false teacher? Is Benny Hinn a false prophet? Is he a true prophet? The following will be actual statements and quotes from Benny Hinn’s teachings on what he believes concerning certain topics and you examine for yourselves whether Benny Hinn is of God or not.
Kenneth Copeland’s False Teachings and False Gospel Message
Kenneth Copeland is a popular faith movement teacher. Many say do not attack Kenneth Copeland. I wish to say that I am not attacking at all, but I am sharing information that is needed for the body of Christ to know concerning what Kenneth Copeland Ministries teaches concerning what took place at the cross and what Jesus went through for atonement. I ask all those who read this to be open enough to look at this carefully and decide for yourself whether or not Kenneth Copeland is true or false doctrines on the message of the cross and salvation.
Exposing Joyce Meyer’s False Gospel Message on Salvation: Who is Joyce Meyer? What does Joyce Meyer believe? What does Joyce Meyer teach?
Years ago I heard that Joyce Meyer had a false teaching concerning the gospel message of Jesus Christ. I contacted the ministry in which I heard this from and I got the documentation, and from there I contacted Joyce Meyers Ministries to purchase the book in which was referenced. The book was called “The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make”, written by Joyce Meyer