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A Christian Discipleship, Apologetics and Evangelism Ministry

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Nov 6, 2024
Trinity Debates, Catholicism, and Non Christian Cults
Hello to all subscribers and those visiting the Berean Perspective. There is lots going on with my YouTube Channel please keep updated...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Dec 10, 2023
The Trinity Explained in 5 Minutes: One God Revealed Through 3 Persons in the Bible!
How to explain the Trinity in 5 minutes! Doesn't the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4 contradict the Trinity because there is one God, therefore...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Dec 10, 2023
How to Identify a Cult? Who Are Modern Day False Prophets?
How to spot a Religious Cult, a false prophet, what to look for, and more. Who is a Religious Cult leader? As Christians we need to be on...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Dec 3, 2023
Apologetics Webinar Day 2: A Defense of the Christian Faith | What is the Gospel | Counterfeit Cults
Apologetics for Christians Conference Webinar how to defend the faith and how to share the faith, and the dangers of another Jesus, a...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Dec 3, 2023
Apologetics Webinar Day 1: A Defense of the Christian Faith | Apologetics & Evidence | Who is Jesus?
Apologetics for Christians Conference Webinar how to defend the faith and how to share the faith, and the dangers of another Jesus, a...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Nov 30, 2023
Jehovah's Witnesses Challenged Christian on the Trinity from John 14:28 and Got Refuted
Talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses at their cart on the Trinity. How to respond to Jehovah's Witnesses objections when they say Jesus is not...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Oct 19, 2023
Trinity Explained: One God Revealed Through 3 Distinct Persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Explaining the Trinity doctrine in simple terms from the Bible. Monotheism and the Trinity are biblical. The Bible does teach that there...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Aug 19, 2023
Pre-Nicea Apostolic Church Fathers: 23 References on Trinity & Eternal Generation of the Son (Jesus)
The early Church Fathers believed in the Trinity and eternal generation of the Son. Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Eusebius,...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Aug 9, 2023
Berean Perspective Live Q&A and Open Mic on Trinity & OSAS, Special Webinars, Conferences, Etc
Live Q&A and Open Mic: Trinity Doctrine, Cults, What is the Gospel, and More for Christians and non-Christians.

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Jul 22, 2023
Does Matthew 28:19-20 Prove the Trinity in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
Does Matthew 28:19-20 prove the Trinity? In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus teaches the Trinity to go baptize in the name of the Father, the Son,...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Jul 18, 2023
Is the Trinity Essential to be Saved? Yes and No!
Is the Trinity Satanic? The Trinity is not Satanic! Is the Trinity biblical? Yes the Trinity is biblical! Is the Trinity essential...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Jun 8, 2023
Live Kelly Powers (Christian) vs Eric Blue (Jehovah's Witness): Who is the Father and Jesus Christ?
Debate on the Trinity and the relationship of the Father and the Son, who has authority over, who is submissive, what does the Bible...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
May 30, 2023
Trinity vs Oneness Debate: Kelly Powers & UPCI Pastor Jacob Ponzi
UPCI pastor Jacob Ponzi vs Kelly Powers debate which is biblical the Trinity or Oneness? This will be a friendly debate discussion on...

Berean Perspective Apologetics
May 28, 2023
Uncle JE (Unitarian) vs Kelly Powers (Trinitarian) Debate: Is Jesus the Creator in Genesis 1:26-27?
Uncle JE a former Oneness guy now Unitarian gets refuted and debunked claiming Jesus is not Creator in John 1:3 of all things. Genesis...
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